Retail metrics – 27 key metrics for your business
Understanding and tracking the right retail metrics is important for any retailer aiming to stay competitive and thrive. Measuring the right metrics provides the insights to make informed business decisions, optimize operations, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Why Asking One Question is More Than Enough for CX Surveys
A Customer Experience Catch-22 – CX Surveys When it comes to market research and CX surveys, would you rather ask 100 people 20 questions or 2,000 people a single question each? Is the end result the same? Or does one approach provide better results?
How to make the most of the holiday season – a retail guide.
While it may feel like the holiday season is still a little while off, it’s a given truth of retail life that the season tends to creep up earlier and earlier each year. While for some, this might be enough to make you want to exclaim ‘Bah Hambug!’, the fact of the matter is holiday sales are stronger than ever
3 CX Improvements to drive revenue growth
We recently submitted a guest blog post for our fantastic partners Retail Pro about three simple customer experience tactics you can implement to drive revenue growth for your business.
Because we’re generous, we’ve decided to share the intro of the article here, enjoy this taster and be sure to click through for the full read below!
The Influencers: Andrew Busby
Second up to bat in our new series The Influencers, we were lucky enough to speak to the fantastic Andrew Busby. Having worked in the retail industry for over 20 years, Andrew’s time is now primarily spent working as a retail analyst, writer and keynote speaker.
Leaving a Lasting Impression: Traditional vs. Digital Marketing
Modern Marketing: A Digital Love Affair Good data is the foundation upon which strong marketing decisions are made. The more data at our fingertips, the more targeted we can get. Which goes some way to explaining the contemporary marketer’s infatuation with all things digital. Digital is steeped in data. The ability to A/B test every […]
How to put Customer Experience Theory into Practice
A recent report by Bain & Company contained the somewhat shocking statistic that while 80% of businesses believe they provide a ‘superior proposition’ only 8% of their customers agree. For those in the retail business, this highlights one of the key challenges facing the industry today – how to close the gap between the service […]
Unlocking the Value of Customer Experience (CX) Initiatives
Putting a Value to Customer Experience While it’s easy to pay lip service to the importance of customer experience, for those in charge of CX initiatives or Voice of the Customer programs, proving the value of investing in Customer Experience to the wider business can be a challenge. While a commitment to exceptional service values […]
Meet the Team… Giorgia Amici
We’re delighted to kick off our new Meet the Team feature here on the TruRating blog, and what better way to start than with Front-end Lead Engineer extraordinaire (and all round lovely person to boot) Giorgia Amici. Giorgia brings a little bit of Italian flair to our London HQ, and we were keen to learn a […]
CX Icon: Jeanne Bliss Pt 1.
Jeanne Bliss is widely known as the “godmother of customer experience”. Since 2002 she has guided customer experience transformations for major global organizations with her firm, CustomerBliss, and has inspired audiences through her keynote speeches. She is the co-founder of the Customer Experience Professional’s Association. Jeanne’s latest book Would You Do That to Your Mother? is […]
Retail Red Flags? The ‘decline’ of physical retail…
For those following the news in commerce, it’s clear that the much-feted ‘death of retail’ has been oversold to say the least. This isn’t to say that there aren’t some important issues to address in the brick-and-mortar sector, or even retail as a whole, but sooner or later a culture of crisis and concern can […]
CX Icons: Jeremy Watkin
Jeremy Watkin is the Director of Customer Experience at FCR. He has more than 18 years of experience as a customer service, customer experience, and contact center professional. He’s also the co-founder and regular contributor on Customer Service Life. Jeremy has been recognized many times for his thought leadership. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn […]