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advantages and disadvatnages of self-checkout

Advantages and disadvantages of self-checkout – a guide for retailers

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Strategic Insights: Key 2023 Holiday Shopping Trends for Retailers Planning Ahead in 2024
In the ever-evolving retail landscape, understanding consumer behavior is the linchpin to operational excellence and successful marketing strategies. As we step into the new year, armed with exclusive insights from TruRating, we unravel the tale of consumer holiday shopping habits, examining pivotal dates that witnessed significant shifts in purchasing patterns.
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Webinar | The Rise of Retail Media: Shopper Impacts and Attitudes
“You are learning things when you study this granular behavior, that are often counterintuitive and really surprising,” said Bryan Gildenberg, Former Chief Knowledge Officer at Kantar and The CPG Guys Podcast Host. “…having done a lot of in-store research in my life, you find this stuff all the time, but the ability to capture it in real-time is important.”
Guaranteed to be Grumpy
Guaranteed to be Grumpy: Consumer Aversion of Long-Form Surveys 
Have you ever agreed to take part in a survey, feeling generous about sharing your feedback…and then many looooong boring minutes later found yourself wishing you hadn’t – perhaps ultimately walking away without completing the survey?  If so – you’re not alone.
Gen Z Grumpy Grandpa
Charting the future of retail: Why we need to listen to Gen Z
Ah, the enigma that is Generation Z. Are they really so hard to decipher? And if so, why does it matter? Certainly, many retailers have spoken to us about the urgent need to connect with and engage the next generation. So what is it about “Zoomers” that makes this so challenging? For one, it’s clear from the research that there’s a real problem with pinning down Gen Z characteristics. It’s easy to rely on lazy assumptions and stereotypes about the TikTok generation –  “they’re digital natives, so of course they prefer to do all their shopping online”.
The Vocal Minority: How genuine customer voices are being drowned out by the fakes and extreme few. 
It’s been discussed time and time again – online reviews now play a huge part in consumer decision-making. And it’s well-known that fake reviews are a big problem (to the point where law-makers in the US are introducing legislation to combat the issue). Add in the fact that it’s usually the most disappointed or delighted customers that even trouble themselves to leave reviews, and you end up with a morass of unrepresentative feedback. 
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Global retailer collects real-time insights, without compromising throughput
TruRating helps a global retailer achieve their most critical KPI and collect real-time insights, without compromising throughput efficiency at the till. This customer, an industry-leading global supermarket chain with 10,000+ stores in over 20 countries, is renowned for its competitively low prices, streamlined store layouts, and extensive product offerings, consistently aiming to impress customers from the moment they entire the store.
Every store is a snowflake
Every Store is a Snowflake
One of my first ever TruRating conversations was with a lady at Starbucks HQ who said this – and educated me on the importance of understanding the individuality of each store. With different customers, each with their own needs, expectations, and behavior patterns – retailers should take a granular view of the experience within each store.
measure what matters
Measuring What Matters to Retail Customers
In the ever-evolving world of retail, success hinges on understanding and meeting customer expectations. Store Operations leaders are at the forefront of this pursuit of excellence. In this blog series we explore how top-performing retail brands are leveraging the power of customer feedback to provide vital, data-driven KPIs for their store teams. We previously covered critical metrics for store teams and the importance of asking the right questions. Here we’ll look at how to ‘measure what matters’ most to customers – by ensuring there’s a built-in financial link to the customer responses.
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Webinar | Retail Resilience: Navigating the Retail Landscape & Thriving Amidst Uncertainty
In today’s rapidly evolving retail landscape, uncertainties are bound to happen. Consumer behavior constantly shifts, and retailers must adapt quickly to stay ahead. In such times, it becomes crucial for retailers to harness meaningful insights within their control to deliver exceptional service experiences. 

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