NFC in retail enables fast payments, real-time feedback, and interactive shopping. Learn how this technology is transforming CX.
Learn how to improve customer experience in retail stores with 17 proven strategies, including examples from leading brands.
Bad CX impacts revenue and churn. Learn how to measure the ROI of customer experience, track key metrics, and improve customer satisfaction.
Learn how to create a retail customer journey map and discover the key stages, touchpoints, and strategies for an omnichannel retail journey.
Discover how to measure customer service in retail with the right metrics and tools. Improve satisfaction and performance in your stores.
Learn customer insight analysis strategies and techniques to drive smarter business decisions and enhance customer experiences.
At its core, conversion in retail is about turning browsers into buyers. Whether it's online or in-store, the goal is to get customers to complete a desired action, like making a purchase.
The retail industry is continually adapting to new consumer trends and preferences, and right now, there is a strong emphasis on experiential retail. This customer experience approach significantly transforms the shopping experience by incorporating interactive activities that engage customers.
Struggling to turn store visitors into paying customers? Download our Conversion Analysis Guide to uncover proven strategies that drive purchases, improve customer experience, and boost your bottom line.
Understanding the distinction between omnichannel and multichannel retail is important for any retailer operating across multiple channels. Both strategies aim to enhance customer experience, but they achieve this in different ways.
In a Nutshell: Georgina Nelson brought her training in psychology and a role as a consumer advocate into discussions with her father about how to retain brick-and-mortar customers in the face of online encroachment. She realized the existing methods to assess customer experience were intrusive, unscientific, and probably counterproductive.
Learn how technology is changing the retail industry. Explore consumer preferences and tech investments that improve shopping experiences.

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